ConveyorDesigns Inc.
Reverse Engineering by 3D Laser Scanning
for Plant Upgrade
scan, process, model , analyze, Implement
All available Conventional Datas are collected from the Plant Resources and documented before the start of site set up for 3D Laser Scanning.
This includes Plant layout drawings, Equipment list, and any other relevant data which would provide additional help during 3D modeling after cloud processing.
A Tramp Iron Chute with a Feed and Deelivery system had to be installed at the facility. No Structural Drawings were available for the Project.
We suggested Reverse Engineering by 3D laser Scanning - and the idea was to design from the Virtual 3D Model generated by the Scan Point Clouds.
The scanned 3D model on the Right shows the old structural arrangement, which will be used for Design of the transfer system for steel waste to the Tramp Iron Chute which will be installed on the existing structure.
Professional Material Handling Solutions. Highly experienced & equipped personnel
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