3D laser Scanning


 Reverse Engineering, Plant Modernization

Progress Evaluation of Projects

Inventoy and Risk Management etc etc...

scan, process, model , analyze, Implement

Collection of Available Data


All available Conventional Datas are collected from the Plant Resources and documented before the start of site set up for 3D Laser Scanning.

This includes Plant layout drawings, Equipment list, and any other relevant data which would provide additional help during 3D modeling after cloud processing.




Site Preparation and Planning

For more accurate and clear reproduction of plant and equipments, a cleaner envirnment is always desirable free of snow, excessive dust etc. A good houseclening would give better results. Identify locations of target placements and log them before scanning.

3D Laser Scanning and Processing


Once the Site Preparation and procedure is planned, the 3D scnning will be carried out followed by post processing. The Cloud Points after registraion is brought in to 3D modeling software and cleaned up. 


The 3D Design activities starts at this juncture. The Engineer can Analyze the data and implement upgrades after the 3D models takes final shape.

Generation of 3D Models and Drawings from Scanned Data


3D models are modified for upgrades and necessary Drawings are generated for Data Storage for later retrieval or for Manufacturing Drawings for plant upgrade.

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